Miltonholmes Art

Miltonholmes ArtMH Art

Deer Friend Benefits

The below content is exclusive to Deer Friend Patrons - the lovely folks supporting me with £4.20 a month!

Sketch Pages

Big 4k canvases with a bunch of little sketches on them, uploaded every few months as I find time to make them.

Sketch Pages

Rough Sketches/WIPs

Sneak peeks of rough sketches for commissions, monthly art, and personal projects.

Rough Sketches

Fortnightly Updates

Every fortnight I write a blog with work in progress sketches, poll idea requests and life updates.

Update Blogs

Exclusive Alts

Below you'll be able to view a list of every patreon exclusive post that i've made. Coming one day: the ability to filter on tags.

By default they're restricted to Doe Public and Deer Friend patrons, but i've made a few of them free!
